Different Methods of Abortion

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Some people call miscarriage (the natural or spontaneous expulsion of the foetus from before it can survive outside the uterus) as spontaneous abortion. There are many reasons for miscarriages. However, in the case of a miscarriage, a fault can never be attributed to the mother.


Real abortions are always induced. Deliberate removal of a child either by medical or by the surgical method is called induced abortion. This means that abortion happens when one deliberately uses artificial means to cause the expulsion of a child from the womb. Abortion is induced artificially either by consuming some tablets or by using some surgical procedures. The methods of abortion depend upon the different stages of development of the child in the womb.

In the first trimester, many women chose tablets or pills that are called abortifacient. Abortifacients are medicines that induce abortion. These pills cause the child who is very small unable to attach himself or herself to the uterine wall and expel from the womb. This is called a medical abortion. Medical abortions are not administered if you already have some health complications. People wrongly assume that this method is safe for all people. We strongly encourage you to seek our help to understand the specific health concerns of this method.

After the 10 weeks of gestation, medical abortions cannot be performed. Therefore, the surgical methods are necessary from 10th weeks onwards to procure abortions. The most common surgical procedures are Vacuum Aspiration, D&E. Most often, these procedures are blind procedures, which means the performing physician cannot see what he is doing. During the second trimester, 15 to 23weeks after your last menstrual period, abortions are typically performed over two days. It needs pre-operative, operative, and post-operative care.

Are you aware of the risks involved with these procedures? Please continue reading “Know about the risks” for more information. Meanwhile please remember that we are here to help you through this difficult time. Please do not hesitate to contact us to ask for help.

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